Today, at our consulate appointment, the final paperwork for Mia's adoption was submitted for the US govt. Tomorrow, she will receive her visa to enter the US and becomes a US citizen automatically when we touch down after the long flight from Shanghai to Chicago. It seems hard to believe that the paper chase for this adoption is done! It is a good feeling.
Mia had a bit of a breakthrough today. Maybe we all did. After coming back from the consulate, she took her second bath of the day. It was 10:30 am. When finished, she spotted her carefully hidden bathing suit. The girl has hawk eyes. She excitedly comes out with it, however, the other girls wanted lunch. There would be no way for a quick swim. I told her no, we needed to go for lunch. She gave the familiar stomp and hmmm, refusing to move her little feet. The older girls went into the hallway. My mom started practicing her yoga moves in the hall. I mentioned that I might need to get her, which would result in a tantrum. My mom reminded me that the tantrums ar much shorter now. Mia looked at me and closed the bedroom door. After giving her a minute, I opened the door slowly, figuring i would get the tantrum over with. But, this sweet little one had taken her bathing suit off and put her dress on. In was shocked. What I thought would be a battle turned into an amazing moment as she wrapped her little arms around me. I told her we would swim after lunch, which she seemed to understand. And off we went for lunch.
So to say that my little one is doing well is an understatement. Adoption trips are not easy. Living in hotels, figuring out communication (especially with an older child), and trying to establish a routine and consistency to help ease the new child's fear is next to impossible. The child comes to the adoptive family losing EVERYTHING she has ever known. She has every right to be scared, mad, and sad. Adoption trips are about surviving. And yet, Mia is joyful most of the time now. She wants a hug when she is upset. She puts her little hand against the elevator door until everyone is in. She offers her food to her sisters. And today, despite her desire to swim, she changed her clothes when she realized her family wanted to eat.
This special little one has completely stolen my heart. The US is gaining one amazing new citizen with little Mia!!!!
what a special story!