This was the first day of rain we have had since arriving in China. It rained all day, although was still pretty mild. We decided to go out despite the rain, since hotel confinement is quite boring to both adults and kids. Each room is equipped with an umbrella, which comes in handy on days like today. We also asked the concierge for an extra umbrella, given that there are five of us including Nana. The concierge has the largest umbrellas we have ever seen. Made Mary Poppins umbrella flight seem possible given the right wind conditions. We decided to venture across the busy street by using a people overpass, stroller, umbrellas, and all. On the other side of the street was a large friendship store which we quickly walked past. We then stumbled upon a Trust Mart, which seemed like a Wal Mart knock off. We needed bottled water, and the trusty Trust Mart seemed to be the best place to look for it. As we walked through the doors it quickly became apparent that this experience could resemble our Nanning senior market experience. Vats of noodles everywhere. Candy everywhere. Appealing children toys everywhere. There was no turning back, we were already inside and my little one's eyes were wide. She spied some type of dried fruit. Runs to it, and comes running back to me holding up her one little finger and telling me in Chinese, "only one Mama". Could this be too good to be true?? She sees some dried chicken feet (which we learned at breakfast that she loves), I tell her in English, "not today" and she happily walks on by. This continued through the store. Some things she wanted, which seemed reasonable so I said yes, and she only took one. Or she got three, and gave one to each of her sisters. What? Was I dreaming? No. My girl is settling in. She is understanding a simple shopping experience and what it means.
Later this afternoon, Mia and I ventured back to the US consulate to pick up her "big brown envelope" which goes to the immigration officer when we arrive on US soil in Chicago on Friday. We also have her visa, which allows her to enter the country. As far as both countries are concerned, the adoption is complete. After 7 months, Mia is mine. She is no longer an orphan waiting for a family. She has her family and her family has her. All I can do is give thanks to the One who made this all possible...who led me to become a mother for the third time...and who asked me to trust in Him to make my path straight.
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